EYFS Classes 2023-2024
Goldfish and Guppies (Nursery)
Introduction to EYFS
For a small child their early years are an exciting time as they begin to explore the world around them and interact with other children. At St. Luke's, we provide a safe and secure environment where we help our children to learn in a structured and stimulating setting.
Our highly qualified staff and our outstanding resources help children learn, play, talk, experiment and draw on real life experiences to reach their full potential. Most importantly we encourage all children to adopt a "can-do" attitude which will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives.
As well as structured teacher led input sessions, children operate in free flow space where they can choose which activities they would like to explore and set up in the classroom. This includes access to a book corner, role play area, construction, arts and crafts, fine motor and maths, phonics and/or writing based learning experiences.
Each day the learning environment is set up differently which makes coming to school each day exciting, like a new adventure. Children have the opportunity to play and learn inside and outside throughout the year.
The learning environment usually reflects the children’s learning and allows them to practice skills acquired and taught in teacher - led sessions. As well as this, we work closely with pupils in adult led tasks so that we can identify and support pupils with misconceptions in their learning and help to extend their learning on further. Working with small numbers of children at a time, ensures a close relationship is built with each child and adults know and understand each child’s needs individually. The children feel supported and cared for.
Key Workers
Each child is allocated a key worker. The key worker system ensures that there is a particular adult that the child can form a secure bond with. There is always someone that the child can go to with a worry; there is always someone keeping a close eye on the personal and social well being of each child.
Home/School Partnership
We greatly value the support given to us by parents and carers. Please let us know if you would like to join an activity, share an interest with us or help us celebrate a religious or cultural festival.
In the EYFS the majority of our recording of the children's achievements is through photographs and observations which are collected together in your child's Learning Journey Book. The children begin to choose their own work to put in their books and we value and can include any work you bring in from home. The Learning Journey books are always available at Parents' Evenings.