Key Stage One
Key Stage One Classes 2024-2025
In Key Stage 1, we build on the excellent foundations started in Early Years. We teach a vibrant, varied and creative curriculum. Our focus over the term is delivered through a driving question and this can be explored through a range of subjects from Literacy through to Geography; and experiences based on this foci, make learning fun and interactive.
At St. Luke’s, we provide an environment that enables children to take risks with their learning, through safe, practical and real-life experiences. Through our class assemblies, worship and Personal, Social, Mental Health Education, we ensure and support our children to model the ‘St. Luke’s Way’ thus enabling them to be equipped with the inter-personal skills that are vital in today’s society.
As a Church of England School, RE is a vital part of our community where we celebrate the different cultures and values in our school. We also learn about different areas and issues around the world in our Creative Curriculum lessons. Children can also develop other talents such as sport and music in our varied after school club offer.
We greatly value the support given to us by our School Community, please do let us know if you would like to join an activity, share an interest with us or help us celebrate a religious or cultural festival.