Learning at home
Learning at home can be accessed, completed and achieved using a variety of different devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops and computers.
Paper Homework is always available, please speak to your class teacher.
The school also have laptops available to loan, please speak to the office if you wish to do this.
Doodle Maths and Tables
DoodleMaths is an online platform where children complete maths tasks for their ability. Filled with 40,000+ interactive exercises, DoodleMaths explores numerical reasoning and problem solving, giving children core skills they can use in the classroom and beyond!
Each children from year 1 - 6 has their own login, please contact the school office if you need their details.
Website: www.doodlelearning.com
They are also available as apps on devices!
Google Classroom
Every term, each year group will upload a set of home learning activities for you to complete with your child. Work completed can either be submitted online or handed in to the class teacher.
Please click here to sign into Google Classroom
Reading at home
At St. Luke's we encourage children to read daily at home. Children are sent home ability appropriate books, for younger children this is closely linked to their phonic knowledge and for older children we encourage them to choose books they would like to read.
Younger children should read aloud to an adult whereas older children should do a mixture of reading aloud and quiet independent reading. We encourage parents to ask children questions about what they have read, below are some suggested ideas: