Celebrating Christianity and other world faiths
What is faith ?
Faith is one of those words that is commonly used but not always understood. Some of that confusion comes from the many different ways the word faith is used in everyday conversation; a quick look at Dictionary.com shows seven different uses! One common way that people use the word faith is to refer to belief in something despite lacking any evidence for it. But is that what the Bible means by faith? The answer is a resounding no! So what does faith mean?
What does faith mean according to the Bible?
The closest that the Bible comes to offering an exact definition is Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
Thus suggesting faith means putting your trust in God and having confidence that he will fulfill his promises.
At St. Luke's we are blessed with a multi-faith community, this rich diversity brings a real strength to our distinctly Christian School. As a Church of England School, we celebrate and include families of all faiths and those with none.