Emotional Wellbeing and Enrichment
At St. Luke's we recognise that sometimes children may need additional support to help them with their emotional wellbeing, this we recognise has been impacted upon further with recent lockdowns and time away from school and their friends.
We work with a range of inhouse and external providers to support children in school, for instance Deep Roots which is an Outdoor learning provision that offers outdoor learning experiences that can support self esteem and resilience. We also link with Pets Therapy and have a therapy dog who joins us once a week. On a more regular basis we have three ELSAs who support children on a day to day basis with their emotional regulation and resilience.
All staff are trained in Attachment Awareness strategies, we regularly revisit and take part in training to ensure that we are proactively available to support our children so that we can keep supporting and guiding children in our care.
Emotional Support in School - sometimes a child may require additional emotional support to help them to be successful in school and with their friends. As noted above, we have trained staff called ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) and said staff spend time with children as and when required.
We also have Enrichment sessions and Nurture Support groups that run during the week.
Any support of this kind will always be discussed with a parent first but is primarily aimed at improving well-being and reducing anxiety and stress.
At St. Luke's, we always focus on the needs of the whole child and this nurturing focus has proved very successful when supporting children through a manner of personal challenges and has subsequently also led to children being more confident in their academic studies too.
If you would like to know more please see your child's teacher, Mrs Richards or Ms Butler.
Students sharing their experiences about Forest School ...
"The tools help me make stuff and I like starting the fires. In class it helps me make friends."
"When we went to Forest School it helped me make things and I also enjoyed playing there with my friends. I liked cutting the wood too. "
"I really enjoyed climbing high on the trees and learning how to make camps. I really enjoyed making new friends and looking at the bull. "
"I liked climbing trees, making fires, feeding the cows and eating lots of different food."